Daji, downfall of the Shang Empire
The last king of the Shang Dynasty in China
was brought low by his love for a cruel and beautiful concubine
named Daji. After his death, the soldiers who caught and executed
Daji were stunned to discover that she was no mortal woman, but
a fox.
Tamamo-no-Mae, the fox who tried to kill an emperor
According to some tales, the evil Chinese concubine
Pao Sze/Pao-Ssu escaped her fate and fled to Japan, where she became
a court lady named Tamamo-no-Mae and captured the heart of Emperor
Toba. When he began to sicken, suspicious courtiers hatched a plot.
They discovered that the elegant Lady Tamamo was a fox in disguise,
and chased her across Nasuno Moor until she changed herself into
a stone. The stone, the Sesshoseki, or Killing Stone, was so imbued
with the fox's evil that it killed all who approached it.
Death Stone
Who and what was Pao-ssu?
Kuzunoha, the fox of Shinoda Wood
The fox-maiden Kuzunoha served the human man
Yasuna as a loving wife and mother, until she was discovered and
had to leave behind her human life. Her son, Abe no Seimei, became
a famous Taoist sorceror, and was to later free Tamamo-no-Mae from
the Sesshoseki.
Genkuro, filial son
first fox-wife in Japan